We encourage and have full support for democratic governance and human rights which are critical components of sustainable development and lasting peace. We promote peaceful coexistence by helping societies protect the basic rights of citizens and by ensuring that all have the opportunity to participate and have a voice.
We transform individuals, families and communities so they can enhance their quality of life and prosper. We achieve these through the various empowerment programs focused on artisans, women and youths through skills acquisition, provision of working tools, capital and many more.
Education is the backbone and foundational driver of development. It is fundamental to achieving self-reliance. Education transforms individuals and societies. It is a pathway to better health, economic growth, sustainable environment and a peaceful and democratic society. Our focus is to improve learning outcomes and expand access to quality education that is safe, relevant and promotes social wellbeing to particularly the most marginalized and vulnerable.
When women are given the proper resources, education and training, they can achieve anything. Investing in gender equality and women can help unlock human potential on a transformational scale. For societies to thrive, women and girls must have equal access to education, health care and technology. They must have equal control of resources. They must have equal rights and opportunities as peace- builders and leaders.
Our focus is on engaging in health related research and development to save lives and spur innovation. We partner with high performing health institutions that provide accountable, affordable, accessible and reliable health care. By so doing, we hope to save more lives and improve health within the communities. We also focus on campaigns that promote proper hygiene and the importance of immunizations especially in rural communities.
We create and execute well-designed and well-run youth development programs which will in turn aid in promoting youth leadership. Our effective programs involve activities such as service learning, arts and athletics. Emphases are made on common values such as friendship, citizenship and learning. At Maikaya development foundation we aim at improving the conditions for positive youth development.
The world needs you!
We are a team of individuals, from diverse cultures and background but we share the same mission to improve lives through love and kindness. Are you passionate about our values? You can volunteer with us.